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Corporate Governance

Contact Corporate Governance

Please choose one of the below listed options to report complaints about NCR Atleos’ accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters or other concerns to NCR Atleos or the Audit Committee of its Board of Directors.

1. Call the NCR Atleos AlertLine to report matters anonymously. Within the United States, the NCR AlertLine number is 1-844-539-2243; outside the United States, the NCR AlertLine can be accessed by calling AT&T Direct. If you don't know the AT&T Direct number in your country, call your international operator and ask for AT&T Direct. Once you have accessed AT&T Direct, dial 844-539-2243.

2. Write the NCR Atleos Corporate Secretary at 864 Spring Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30308, who will forward any communications as directed. You can report your concerns anonymously (by not including your name and/or contact information) or confidentially (by marking the envelope of your communication as "Confidential").

Reported matters relating to NCR Atleos’ accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters will be referred to members of the Audit Committee as appropriate. Reports of misconduct, including those made anonymously, will be investigated and feedback will be provided when appropriate.

The law provides protection against retaliatory termination or adverse employment action by NCR Atleos, and its officers, associates and agents, against any employee who (i) provides information to a supervisor, the federal government or Congress that the employee reasonably believes relates to federal securities or anti-fraud violations, or (ii) files, testifies, participates in, or otherwise assists in any actions involving conduct that the employee reasonably believes relates to federal securities or anti-fraud violations. NCR Atleos will not condone reprisals against people who report suspected violations in good faith, and their identities will be protected to the maximum extent possible consistent with law and NCR Atleos policy.

Other Communications with the Board of Directors
Shareholders wishing to communicate directly with the Board of Directors, any individual director or NCR Atleos non-management directors as a group regarding NCR Atleos business operations, conduct or other matters relating to the Company are welcome to do so by writing the Corporate Secretary of NCR Atleos at 864 Spring Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30308, who will forward any communications as directed. Communications may be made anonymously and/or confidentially as indicated above.