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Video banking provides high‑tech alternative to face‑to‑face interactions

Video banking at Interactive Teller Machines (ITMs) gives banks and credit unions a way to provide personal assistance without customers having to go inside. It also allows your financial institution to extend banking hours without doing so at every branch.

And, during this time of social distancing, ITMs can protect your customers and your staff, providing a safe and hygienic way to transact. Customers can use the ITM to talk to a teller or conduct complex transactions they’d usually handle in the branch or lobby, all from the safety of their car or a walk-up ATM.

For tellers, they offer the practical ability to securely control every keystroke, if required, to assist the customer, while helping reassure them that important services are still accessible.

Promoting your video banking services    

Many banks and credit unions have had to temporarily close their branches. If you offer video banking as a way for customers to speak to a live teller and handle more complex transactions and tasks, make sure you promote it as your customers may not know it’s available to them.

Here are two great examples of financial institutions promoting their ITMs as a way to transact during the COVID-19 outbreak.

First Nebraska Bank takes to LinkedIn    

First Nebraska Bank not only used LinkedIn to remind customers they could use their drive-thru ITMs to talk to a teller while their lobbies are closed—they also included hours of operation, safety precautions and a short video showing customers how to use their ITMs.

First Nebraska Bank uses LinkedIn to post ITM Hours
First Nebraska Bank uses video and LinkedIn to post ITM Hours
First Community Bank promotes ITMs on their website    

When First Community Bank launched their new Interactive Teller service back in February, no one could have foreseen how quickly they would prove so vital to their service network.

Now, their ITMs provide a way for customers to get personal assistance while practicing social distancing. First Community Bank took to their website to let customers know they're still open, listing several options to interact remotely, including via their ITMs.

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